4,978 research outputs found

    La “disinteressata utilità” delle lingue antiche: Una modesta riflessione a partire da Gramsci

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    La seguente nota esplora brevemente alcune questioni concernenti l’intenso dibattito italiano sull’utilità delle lingue antiche (e, più in generale, delle cosiddette Humanities) sulla base di diverse argute riflessioni di Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) su questo tema.The following note shortly explores some issues concerning the intense Italian debate on the utility of ancient languages (and, more in general, of the so-called Humanities) based on several sharp reflections by Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) on that topic

    Antonio Gramsci between (International / National) Social Struggles and Intellectual Contexts

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    After its first publication in Italy (Fresu 2019) and then in Brazil(Fresu 2020), Gianni Fresu’s Antonio Gramsci, an Intellectual Biographyhas now been published in English in (Fresu 2022). In the contextof the Marx and Marx studies renaissance, Palgrave Macmillan haspromoted new research in the series Marx, Engels and Marxism. Inthis series, Fresu reflects upon one of the most important andoriginal Marxists of the twentieth century, Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937). His book brings together the results of a long investigationof the life and thought of Gramsci that started in 2005 with Ildiavolo nell’ampolla: Antonio Gramsci, gli intellettuali e il partito. Sincethen, Fresu has continued his work in Italy as a researcher inpolitical philosophy at the University of Cagliari, but also in Brazilwhere he is a professor of political philosophy at the FederalUniversity of Uberlandia. With a wide knowledge of old and newworldwide studies of Gramsci, Fresu links two dimensions in hisstudy of Gramsci: his life and his thought.Fil: Gómez, Sebastián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Rodolfo Mondolfo y su recepción desterrada de Antonio Gramsci

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    The article contributes to addressing the reception of Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) in Argentina in the mid-twentieth century through the inquiry into the history and work of Rodolfo Mondolfo (1877-1976). A native of Italy and exiled in Argentina since 1939, this venerable and renowned philosopher prompted a singular reading of Gramsci acquit in the years 50/60. He agreed with Gramsci on the assumption of Marxism as a philosophy of praxis, but challenged his Leninism and Bolshevism. Although he polemized from Argentina with the work of revolutionary Sardo, Italy was the destination medium and its reflection.El artículo contribuye al abordaje de la recepción de Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) en Argentina a mediados del siglo XX a través de la indagación en la trayectoria y obra de Rodolfo Mondolfo (1877-1976). Oriundo de Italia y exiliado en Argentina desde 1939, este venerado y reconocido filósofo impulsó una lectura singular del acervo gramsciano en los años 50/60. Coincidía con Gramsci en la asunción del marxismo como una filosofía de la praxis, pero impugnaba su leninismo y bolchevismo. Aunque polemizó desde Argentina con la obra del revolucionario sardo, Italia resultaba el medio y destino de su reflexión

    Louis Althusser y su temprana recepción de las notas carcelarias gramscianas

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    The article contributes to addressing the early reception of the prison writings of Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) by Louis Althusser (1918-1990). Repeatedly, it has been assumed the Althusser’s link with the Italian Communist in the 60s in terms of animosity. On the contrary, the article suggests that Althusser's reading was, on the one hand, ambivalent and productive in suggested ways to work with his gramscian legacy and, on the other hand, a means to obtain citizenship in the Italian Marxist debates of those years.El artículo contribuye al abordaje de la temprana recepción de Louis Althusser (1918-1990) de los escritos carcelarios de Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937). De manera reiterada se ha asumido el vínculo de Althusser con Gramsci en los años 60 en términos de animosidad. Por el contrario, el artículo sugiere que la lectura althusseriana resultó, por un lado, ambivalente y productiva al indicar caminos para trabajar con el legado gramsciano y, por otro, un medio para obtener ciudadanía en los debates marxistas italianos de aquellos años

    Erminio Fonzo, Il mondo antico negli scritti di Antonio Gramsci

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    Ces dernières années ont vu un nouvel intérêt pour la pensée d’Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) dans les études sur l’Antiquité et sa réception. Après un colloque tenu en 2017 à Newcastle sur Antonio Gramsci and the Ancient World, dont les actes sont en cours de publication, et la fondation en 2018 d’un Gramsci Research Network dédié à ce thème, un ouvrage étudiant la relation du théoricien marxiste italien avec l’Antiquité est paru en 2019. Son auteur, Erminio Fonzo, chercheur en histoire contemp..

    Rodolfo Mondolfo and its reception banished from Antonio Gramsci

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    El artículo contribuye al abordaje de la recepción de Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) en Argentina a mediados del siglo XX a través de la indagación en la trayectoria y obra de Rodolfo Mondolfo (1877-1976). Oriundo de Italia y exiliado en Argentina desde 1939, este venerado y reconocido filósofo impulsó una lectura singular del acervo gramsciano en los años 50/60. Coincidía con Gramsci en la asunción del marxismo como una filosofía de la praxis, pero impugnaba su leninismo y bolchevismo. Aunque polemizó desde Argentina con la obra del revolucionario sardo, Italia resultaba el medio y destino de su reflexión.The article contributes to addressing the reception of Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) in Argentina in the mid-twentieth century through the inquiry into the history and work of Rodolfo Mondolfo (1877-1976). A native of Italy and exiled in Argentina since 1939, this venerable and renowned philosopher prompted a singular reading of Gramsci acquit in the years 50/60. He agreed with Gramsci on the assumption of Marxism as a philosophy of praxis, but challenged his Leninism and Bolshevism. Although he polemized from Argentina with the work of revolutionary Sardo, Italy was the destination medium and its reflection.Fil: Gómez, Sebastián. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Gramsci, Leitor de Marx

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    No artigo sugerida uma aproxima o entre as proposi es contidas nas teses do jovem Karl Marx 1818-1883 e do pensador italiano Antonio Gramsci 1891-1937 em per odo de sua vida anterior ao c rcere fascista ou seja antes de 1926 Contrariamente a qualquer arroubo extempor neo de minimizar o valor e a originalidade das obras de maturidade de Gramsci este trabalho pretende assinalar a consist ncia te rica e a pr tica pol tica amadurecida em um crisol de lutas ambiente no qual foram lavrados os escritos anteriores aos Quaderni del carcere obra considerada como uma atualiza o cabal das estrat gias do marxismo para a o na contemporaneidad

    Antonio Gramsci y la antropología médica contemporánea. Hegemonía, “capacidad de actuar” (agency) y transformaciones de la persona

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    This article has only one aim: to demonstrate the urgency for contemporary medical anthropology of a direct and reflexive reading of the works of Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937). Gramsci’s dialogic and experimental way of thinking seems to elude all the interpretive classifications furnished by the exegetes or by anthropological theory. The author of this article lays stress on Gramsci’s anthropological vocation and explores three main questions: hegemony, agency, and transformations of the person. There is a dramatic and reflexive attention in Gramsci for the bodily esperience of suffering, for the embodiment processes, and at the same time an “engaged observation”, which can be called ethnographic, of the the microphysics of social transformation, the hegemony and the agency of the State, the person, and the collectivity. The Gramscian critique can push contemporary medical anthropology to lay stress on the political aspects of embodiment in order to put into question the health-illness dichotomy and to conceive it instead as a socio-political process. This involves a reinforcement of a critical, reflexive, self-objectifying methodology inside the medical anthropological scientific and academic field itself.Este artículo tiene un solo objetivo: mostrar la urgencia para la antropología médica contemporánea de una lectura directa y reflexiva de la obra de Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937). El pensamiento dialógico y experimental de Gramsci parece eludir todas las clasificaciones interpretativas forjadas por sus exégetas, incluida la teoría antropológica. El autor de este artículo subraya la vocación antropológica de Gramsci, y explora tres grandes cuestiones en particular: hegemonía, agency y transformaciones de la persona. En Gramsci hay una atención dramática y reflexiva a la experiencia corporal del sufrimiento, a los procesos de incorporación, y al mismo tiempo una “observación comprometida” que puede ser calificada de etnográfica, de la microfísica de las transformaciones sociales, de la hegemonía del Estado y de la agency individual y colectiva. La crítica gramsciana puede empujar a la antropología médica contemporánea a enfatizar los aspectos políticos de los procesos de incorporación, con el objetivo de cuestionar la dicotomía salud-enfermedad para concebirla en su lugar como proceso sociopolítico. Ello implica el refuerzo de una metodología crítica, reflexiva y auto-objetivante en el propio campo científico-académico de la antropología médica

    A questão política dos intelectuais: Balzac nos Quaderni

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    A proposta deste artigo é discutir a análise de Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) sobre Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850). A figura e a obra de Balzac emergiram, sobretudo no q 3, escrito entre maio e outubro de 1930, como capazes de articular dois elementos centrais da reflexão de Gramsci: a noção de intelectual, em sua relação direta com a ideia de hegemonia; e a problematização acerca da literatura nacional-popular. A hipótese é que o tratamento de Balzac como intelectual permite que se explorem as relações entre autor e obra, literatura e política, vinculadas à construção da noção de nacional-popular em Gramsci.The proposal of this article is to discuss the analysis of Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) about Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850). The figure and the work of Balzac emerged, especially in q 3, written between May and October 1930, as capable of articulating two central elements of Gramsci’s thought: the notion of intellectual, in your direct relation with the idea of hegemony; and the problematization of national-popular literature. The hypothesis is that Balzac’s treatment as an intellectual allows to explore the relations between author and work, literature and politics, linked to the construction of the notion of national-popular in Gramsci’s thought